Hello Substrate

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This pallet has one dispatchable call that prints a message to the node's output. Printing to the node log is not common for runtimes, but can be quite useful when debugging and as a "hello world" example. Because this is the first pallet in the recipes, we'll also take a look at the general structure of a pallet.

No Std

The very first line of code tells the rust compiler that this crate should not use rust's standard library except when explicitly told to. This is useful because Substrate runtimes compile to Web Assembly where the standard library is not available.

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]


Next, you'll find imports that come from various parts of the Substrate framework. All pallets will import from a few common crates including frame-support, and frame-system. Complex pallets will have many imports. The hello-substrate pallet uses these imports.

use frame_support::{debug, decl_module, dispatch::DispatchResult};
use frame_system::ensure_signed;
use sp_runtime::print;


Next we see a reference to the tests module. This pallet, as with most recipes pallets, has tests written in a separate file called tests.rs.

Configuration Trait

Next, each pallet has a configuration trait which is called Config. The configuration trait can be used to access features from other pallets, or constants that affect the pallet's behavior. This pallet is simple enough that our configuration trait can remain empty, although it must still exist.

pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {}

Dispatchable Calls

A Dispatchable call is a function that a blockchain user can call as part of an Extrinsic. "Extrinsic" is Substrate jargon meaning a call from outside of the chain. Most of the time they are transactions, and for now it is fine to think of them as transactions. Dispatchable calls are defined in the decl_module! macro.

decl_module! {
	pub struct Module<T: Config> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {

		/// A function that says hello to the user by printing messages to the node log
		#[weight = 10_000]
		pub fn say_hello(origin) -> DispatchResult {
			// --snip--

		// More dispatchable calls could go here

As you can see, our hello-substrate pallet has a dispatchable call that takes a single argument, called origin. The call returns a DispatchResult which can be either Ok(()) indicating that the call succeeded, or an Err which is demonstrated in most other recipes pallets.

Weight Annotations

Right before the hello-substrate function, we see the line #[weight = 10_000]. This line attaches a default weight to the call. Ultimately weights affect the fees a user will have to pay to call the function. Weights are a very interesting aspect of developing with Substrate, but they too shall be covered later in the section on Weights. For now, and for many of the recipes pallets, we will simply use the default weight as we have done here.

Inside a Dispatchable Call

Let's take a closer look at our dispatchable call.

pub fn say_hello(origin) -> DispatchResult {
	// Ensure that the caller is a regular keypair account
	let caller = ensure_signed(origin)?;

	// Print a message
	print("Hello World");
	// Inspecting variables
	debug::info!("Request sent by: {:?}", caller);

	// Indicate that this call succeeded

This function essentially does three things. First, it uses the ensure_signed function to ensure that the caller of the function was a regular user who owns a private key. This function also returns who that caller was. We store the caller's identity in the caller variable.

Second, it prints a message and logs the caller. Notice that we aren't using Rust's normal println! macro, but rather a special print function and debug::info! macro. The reason for this is explained in the next section.

Finally, the call returns Ok(()) to indicate that the call has succeeded. At a glance it seems that there is no way for this call to fail, but this is not quite true. The ensure_signed function, used at the beginning, can return an error if the call was not from a signed origin. This is the first time we're seeing the important paradigm "Verify first, write last". In Substrate development, it is important that you always ensure preconditions are met and return errors at the beginning. After these checks have completed, then you may begin the function's computation.

Printing from the Runtime

Printing to the terminal from a Rust program is typically very simple using the println! macro. However, Substrate runtimes are compiled to both Web Assembly and a regular native binary, and do not have access to rust's standard library. That means we cannot use the regular println!. I encourage you to modify the code to try using println! and confirm that it will not compile. Nonetheless, printing a message from the runtime is useful both for logging information, and also for debugging.

Substrate Architecture Diagram

At the top of our pallet, we imported sp_runtime's print function. This special function allows the runtime to pass a message for printing to the outer part of the node which is not compiled to Wasm and does have access to the standard library and can perform regular IO. This function is only able to print items that implement the Printable trait. Luckily all the primitive types already implement this trait, and you can implement the trait for your own datatypes too.

Print function note: To actually see the printed messages, we need to use the flag -lruntime=debug when running the kitchen node. So, for the kitchen node, the command would become ./target/release/kitchen-node --dev -lruntime=debug.

The next line demonstrates using debug::info! macro to log to the screen and also inspecting the variable's content. The syntax inside the macro is very similar to what regular rust macro println! takes.

You can specify the logger target with

debug::debug!(target: "mytarget", "called by {:?}", sender);

Now you can filter logs with

kitchen-node --dev -lmytarget=debug

If you do not specify the logger target, it will be set to the crate's name (not to runtime!).

Runtime logger note: When we execute the runtime in native, debug::info! messages are printed. However, if we execute the runtime in Wasm, then an additional step to initialise RuntimeLogger is required:


You'll need to call this inside every pallet dispatchable call before logging.